The XXL generation

- Do you enjoy indulging in a delicious burger with bacon, cheese and barbecue sauce, but find it leaves you with a guilty conscience? If burgers, hotdogs and pizza are not a regular part of your diet, then there is no need to worry. If your menu consists mainly of fast food, ready-made products, and sweet or greasy meals, the situation is a bit different. Especially when the scale shows alarming numbers.

Weight is a global issue – more people suffer from adiposity than from being underweight. The amount of overweight persons has increased by 100% since 1980. Approximately two billion people are overweight worldwide. The amount of people with adiposity is also continuing to increase. A study has shown that there is a total amount of 118 million people affected by adiposity in Great Britain, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Even though the Body Mass Index (BMI) is criticized for its inaccuracy, it is still a popular tool for determining weight issues. According to the BMI, the boundary for being overweight begins after 25 kg/m². For an obesity or adiposity diagnosis, a minimum of 30 kg/m² is necessary. Countries such as the USA and Mexico are particularly affected by the disease. Here, every third person is obese. In most European countries, the adiposity ratio lies somewhere around 20%. In many Asian countries, 5 - 10% of the population is affected.

The amount of children and adolescents with weight issues is especially alarming. In Germany, about 15% are overweight. Approximately 40% of children and young adults in the USA suffer from the problem. Accumulating fat tissue early, increases your risk of suffering from obesity-related illnesses as an adult. While being overweight doesn’t negatively affect our health, adiposity damages our body. Every year, millions of people die from the effects of adiposity. The disease shortens life expectancy and is responsible for a large amount of illnesses like high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, arteriosclerosis, gout, gallstones, and a fatty liver.

Overweight children now suffer from weight related illnesses that are found in older ages and later on in life. This includes diabetes mellitus type II, which usually presents itself in older overweight persons and is commonly known as adult onset diabetes. Furthermore, an augmented body weight strains the locomotor system and can lead to an early deterioration of joints and ultimately to arthritis. The excess pads of fat are also suspected to be responsible for various types of cancer. Adiposity, alongside tobacco, is the most common avoidable cause of death worldwide.

The reason for being overweight often comes from a combination of poor nutrition and insufficient physical activity. Consuming too much food with high energy density can quickly lead to an energy excess in the human body. Hidden sugars and fats in industrially produced nutrition enforce this problem. If the excess energy is not used up in physical activities, the body stores this energy in fat pads as a type of resource. It is therefore recommended to have a varied diet that includes lots of vegetables and fruits instead of processed components. Physical activity should be part of a daily routine. At least three sessions of approximately 30 minutes per week are recommended. This not only assists in burning excess calories, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system. Regular exercise also reduces the risk of suffering from various diseases like diabetes. If you eat healthy, fresh meals every day and combine this with exercise, your weight should remain at a healthy level. In this case, you and your children can enjoy the occasional hamburger worry-free.

Health issues are not only an individual health risk. Due to the high costs that arise through secondary complications, the topics of overweight, obesity and adiposity are relevant to our entire society. Effectively fighting obesity can only be achieved after having discovered the illness. Regular weight checks and analyzing the body composition are useful tools for recognizing health risks early on. With a large number of precise measuring devices and scales, both for home and professional use, seca plays an active part in fighting obesity-related diseases and preventing possible secondary complications.

For further information on the topic of being overweight and to see an interactive adiposity map of the world, visit the World Obesity Federation.


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