seca mBCA - the perfect rehab-tool

- Experiencing pain from an unfortunate movement, a twisted knee or a bent foot are all signs that the musculoskeletal system has been injured. Depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery might require a long period of rehabilitation. Particularly in the case of performance athletes, cumulative injuries to the musculoskeletal system require proper rehabilitation to restore the athlete's body as soon as possible, to be fit again for training and competitions.

Conservative treatment usually requires a break in training, followed by physiotherapy treatment and a new, modified training program. Any physical strain on the body should only be gradually increased, in order to not jeopardize the progression of the healing process. For this reason, it is essential to control rehabilitation closely. In order to obtain a good overview of the body's state during the course of therapy, the use of accurate measuring instruments is essential. seca offers an innovative solution: the medical body composition analyzer (mBCA). The seca mBCA analyzes the body composition through bioelectrical impedance analysis and calculates accurate statements on the proportion of muscle and fat mass, as well as total body water.

Particularly in the case of immobilization, the body's composition can change over a short period of time. Even if the body weight does not change much during rehabilitation, seca mBCA's analysis often reveals a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in adipose tissue. Depending on physical changes, physical therapists can adapt the methods for rehabilitation and introduce strengthening exercises to help patients build up muscle mass. Our seca mBCA can help monitor training success by measuring muscle mass, allowing for optimal control of the rehabilitation process.

The results from the seca mBCA inform therapists quickly and accurately, with information about the patient's physical condition at every stage of rehabilitation and training. With an additional parameters such as the Body Composition Chart (BCC), which can be generated from a patient’s measurements, the therapist or doctor can tell, at a glance, where physical changes have taken place and in which areas the therapy should be adjusted. Aside from its use in sports, medicine and orthopedics, patients also benefit from the use of the seca mBCA in a variety of other rehabilitation methods, since therapy can be closely monitored and adapted to a patient's specific needs.


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