"Knowing my inner values helps me find my way through the weight loss jungle."

- It might sound counterproductive, but using the scales while trying to lose weight can be detrimental. 51% * of those affected by obesity feel demotivated if the scales do not display a lower number after they have suffered through their first weeks of restrictions, putting in effort and physical exertion. Together with their motivation, their the willingness to exercise and to alter their diet may disappear too, causing them to become one of 85% of * those whose weight loss attempts fail in the long term. Better than checking the scales, again, is to directly analyze our body composition which immediately determines any changes in body fat, muscle mass, and body water.

Stefanie Bohn, who herself suffers from obesity, knows how much having her body composition analyzed with the seca mBCA supported her weight loss journey:

"Diets, nutritional changes and the endless battle with the scale have been with me my whole life. From A as in Apple to Z for zucchini, I know all the diets in between – and have failed on all of them. Most doctors assessed me using only my Body Mass Index and then quickly wrote me off as a lazy fatty. The stigmatization hurt me most of all because I exercised, ate a balanced diet and still tended to gain instead of lose weight. Absolutely frustrating!

"When my natural health practitioner measured my body composition with a special scale, it became clear that my weight loss attempts could work only with great difficulty because a large portion of my weight consisted of water, not fat. With exercise and diet alone, I could not have gotten rid of the water. It was an incredible relief for me to know that I am not just made of fat as I often thought. That was good for my self-esteem and for my motivation too. Because now that I know about my body composition, I can take a more targeted approach to managing my weight.

"The regular measuring and the progression now visible in my analyses, give me the strength to stick to it. Even if the weight itself does not change as quickly as I want it to, I can see in the changes to my body composition whether I'm going the right direction."  

* The data used are from an online survey conducted by YouGov Deutschland GmbH in which 2452 persons took part from 5 to 6 September 2018. The results were weighted and are representative of the UK population from the age of 18 years. Persons involved had a BMI = 30 and higher.


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